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ITL Building - Goulburn Street Sydney


2,890 children under 12 are homeless in Sydney. A shocking statistic, a dire problem and an urgent need for a design resolution. Inspired by New York’s Common Ground - a model designed to end chronic homelessness - the Goulburn Street Carpark is the site of Sydney’s ITL Building.


ITL is an acronym for “Into The Light”, the answer to permanent supportive housing for Sydney’s homeless in CBD. This soaring pillar of hope, stretches 15 stories above the carpark and encompasses 80 apartments, housing up to 140 residents.


The planned amenities are designed to provide appropriate support services for long term permanent housing, including: a medical clinic, psychologist practice, chemist, cafe, concierge, rooftop cinema, private bbq area for residents and a public playground divided into four age specific sectors.


At the heart of the building sits a community centre, child care facility and library for both public sector and private residents. The apartment interiors are warm and uplifting with plenty of natural light and cross ventilation, while the surrounding grounds have been created with sustainability and recycling in mind using many natural and local materials.

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